At training we just polished up some moves and made sure everyone knew what exactly was going on. After training, we had our usual closing speech given by the coach. This particular speech though he was going to announce the team he had chosen and the starting line up. Even though there had been 14 of us training together day in and day out in the hot sun, he could only take 12 players for this tournament. Everyone was extremely nervous but excited to hear the news. I was thrilled when i officially made the team, and even more so when he announced the starting line up. not only had a made the team but he chose me to be the starting hooker for the Philippine national team for an international test match. all the hard work had paid off, but only partially, we still have games to win tomorrow.
As we entered the hotel the nerves of the tournament finally started to kick in for me. Sitting on the lounge coaches as we walked in with our luggage's and training gear was the Japanese National Team. they are renowned for being the best team in asia, and not only we they right there relaxing next to us, but we would be hopefully playing them in only 1 days time. its a pretty big welcoming for international 7s for me.
After we settled in we had a quick team meeting and went to lunch. Today's lunch was a buffet style meal at our hotel (the Grand Borneo), which definitely beats Kenny Rogers 3 days in a row. We then had another team meeting where we were individually called up to teach the team random plays from our playbook. 24 plays in 1 week to memorize and recite, not an easy task but everyone was able to complete it to our surprise. That just shows our preparation and commitment to success in this tournament. A quick pool session followed and then to dinner. Dinner was at the grand ballroom which fit all the teams in the tournament. It was a sight to see, a room filled with all of asia's best team like Korea, China, Thailand, Chinese Taipei, Japan, and many more. Even all the professional clubs featured in the tournament were there, filled with super 14 players from new zealand, fiji, samoa, australia, etc. and the legendary Tomasi Cama was spotted across the room.
The excitement is truly building up for the biggest debut of Philippine rugby to date. Its time for evening stretches, icing and massages to get ready for the series of games tomorrow. 3 games are scheduled starting around noon. Should be a memorable experience that I cant wait to happen. I'll let everyone know how it goes tomorrow, but in the mean time wish us luck!